"Lifetide Series" - Exhibition Notes

Ideas are there for us to discover, if we can see them, if we know where to look. 

1.  Brick dust over everything. Building work at home 2010. Random marks on surface of kitchen appliances reminiscent of organic shapes, animals, birds.

There is one common flow, one common breathing. All things are in sympathy
— Hippocrates, 5th century B.C.

2.  Lunchtime doodle in a notebook, scribbling for the sake of it. The shapes are organic and grow on the page. Currently reading "Lifetide" by Lyall Watson. There is a quote on the beginning pages: 

Sometimes ideas connect, breed and grow, transforming into something new.

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3. & 4.  I decided to use the unusual shapes in the dust as a starting point for a new series of‚ abstract‚ work and, wanting the shapes to be more sophisticated than my doodle, begin to sketch out lifeform shapes.

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5:  Collage is the next step to further realise colours and the composition of larger pieces - I have enough shapes for 12.  I want rhythm and a connection between the shapes - "the one common flow".

6:  In the final paintings (four so far) I reinterpret the colours of the collages.

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The new finished "LIfetide" Series are available here and all of the pieces are available as limited edition giclée prints.

© David Lyon