An almost full sketchbook

My painting style has evolved as I found a freedom in the interpretation of the subject that I hadn't encountered before and I think this stems from investing all my energy into the sketchbook before I even thought of making stand alone pieces. Always adhere to established working methods as it gives the best results.

Work in Progress: Applecross, Wester Ross, The Highlands

Using photographs and memory I've been building up a collection of images in a sketchbook using various techniques - collage, acrylic transfer techniques - around my recent trip to Applecross. The photos evoke a rich sense of place and history. It's an unspoilt coastline, no industry to speak of apart from tourism on a small scale - every view is vast and open, huge skies and rugged mountains, endless coast with views as far as Harris and Lewis. I also had inside knowledge thanks to the expertise of our 'guide' Iain MacRae [my brother-in-law who was born there] whose colourful descriptions of local characters and the life they had, began to play upon my imagination. I plan to evolve the sketches into larger scale works using a variety of media but mostly painting I think and then of course find a venue to exhibit.